
Instructor: Kirk Sutherland

Thursday’s 7-9pm (2 hours)

June 1 – July 20th, 2023 (8 weeks)

Course Led by Canadian artist Kirk Sutherland who is a renown experimental colourist.

*Upon signing up, more information and zoom credentials will be sent to your email that you use to signup.

Course description:

In this course we will be exploring colour through the lens of contemporary art and modern

approaches. Through this course, students will gain an understanding on how to use colour,

understand colour schemes as well as building on the fundamental art concepts of value, depth,

composition and the elements and principals of art.

Through knowledge, practise and experimentation we will study the technique and application of

some of the 20 th century masters including Han Hofmann, Henri Matisse, Josef Albers and Mark

Rothko. This course offers the student vast knowledge of colour theory though the applied practise and

execution of painting as well as one on one consultation and lecture seminar.

*See course outline by scrolling through the images.

Materials List:

Paint Colours (acrylic): Ivory Black, Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna, Titanium White, Ultramarine

Blue, Phthalo Blue, Viridian, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red Middle, Permanent Magenta,

Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow Middle, Cadmium Yellow Deep, Lemon Yellow, Cadmium

Orange, Phthalo Green, Green Gold, Emerald Green, (recommended brands: Acrylics: Winsor and

Newton, Amsterdam, Basics; Liquid Acrylics: Golden High flow, Basics Liquid Acrylics, DeSerres Brand)

● For Acrylic only: Liquitex Gloss Medium and Varnish

● Gessoed Masonite, Stretched Canvas, Canvas Panels, paper for acrylic paint.

● Disposable Palette

● White Taklon LH Brush Set of 5 (or equivalent) *

● Please feel free to bring a wide variety of bristle and soft brushes that you have or that

you like to use – many different brushes can accomplish the same task.

● Palette Knife

● Sketchbook (any size) for sketching and composing.

● Rag or roll of paper towel.

● Nitrile gloves

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